Crazy Sex Sounds

Crazy Sex Sounds

  • Released:
    19 Nov, 2013
  • Tracks:
  • Duration:
Track of the Day


Track of the Week


Album of the Week



Streams 1801

Downloads 745

Reggie Jamz is the winner of KBXX 97.9 The Box Hatta’s Idol, which is a contest where thousands of singers compete to see who sounds the best in the Houston area. Also, Reggie Jamz has booked and sold out crowds throughout the south region of the United States opening for Charlie Wilson, John Legend, and Tank to Wale with his rare amazing sound. Reggie now has a hot new single "#CrazySexSounds” which is being heard across the country. Reggie Jamz’s buzz is being heard through the country with over 200,000 video views on YouTube, countless blogs and numerous downloads. You can check out Reggie Jamz official website or you can just Google “Reggie Jamz" and become a part of this monumental experience.