Raw Real Rock

Raw Real Rock

  • Released:
    16 Aug, 2013
  • Tracks:
  • Duration:
Track of the Day


Track of the Week


Album of the Week



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"Raw. Real. Rock." is the debut album from Chicago based rock group The Thons. The album contains eight tracks recorded in an afternoon at Public House Sound Recordings by Dave Vettraino in Chicago, Illinois. All tracks are live takes: bass, guitar, drums and vocals were recorded at the same time with no overdubs, splices or anything. The final mix was recorded to a four-track analog tape machine before being brought into the computer for final mastering. Track list 1 - Miles Away 2 - Daylight 3 - In Any Way 4 - Wasted 5 - From Mars 6 - Megaton Lights 7 - Giving You Up 8 - Ha, Ha, Ha Credits: Songwriting / Performance by The Thons Self-Released by The Thons |August, 2013 Recording Engineer: Dave Vettraino Mastering Engineer: Dave Vettraino Studio: Public House Sound Recordings | Chicago, IL http://publichousesoundrecordings.com Cover Art: Graham | http://thethons.com