DFP is a young South African #Eswatini artist
who started singing at the age of 18 by his top streamed song (Bangle) on Immitter.com
He later collaborated with Rizzy in a song titled "Enough"
He then form a name with Rizzy as the (IKONS) where they mix different style of music and different genre...
https://immitter.com/song/6041-bangle-ft-double-fp-phrank/immitter:DFP_Aplentus-state/list:artist-tracks/sort:newestbangle ft double fp phrank dfp_aplentus-state back times to remember popular
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DFP is a young South African #Eswatini artist
who started singing at the age of 18 by his top streamed song (Bangle) on Immitter.com
He later collaborated with Rizzy in a song titled "Enough"
He then form a name with Rizzy as the (IKONS) where they mix different style of music and different genre including: trap,afropop,afrobeat,rnb and many more
DFP have an ambition to form a record lebel but due to late of resources then it hard for me to accomplish that but with his hustling and effort to bring this to succeed,he is still poshing
follow his on his Facebook page #DFP
Instagram as #aplentus_state
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