My name is Cody Sheltra. I am 30 years old and born and raised in Newport, VT., but now living in Swanton, VT. I am a solo artist by the name of WolfBloodEarth. Metal is my passion. I play a Washburn X-series 7 string Guitar, I use a Zoom G1XNext Pedal, I use FL Studio 10 XXL Edition with Custom Dru...
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deathcore wolfbloodearth shadow of the moon metal united states wretched wolfbloodearth shadow of the moon deathcore, metal united states
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My name is Cody Sheltra. I am 30 years old and born and raised in Newport, VT., but now living in Swanton, VT. I am a solo artist by the name of WolfBloodEarth. Metal is my passion. I play a Washburn X-series 7 string Guitar, I use a Zoom G1XNext Pedal, I use FL Studio 10 XXL Edition with Custom Drum Kits for my drums, strings and piano. And a Audigy 2 Zs soundcard. Feel free to comment, give feed back and criticism is accepted good or bad I am always down to learn more :)
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